
Jones Brick & Stone

Generations of Experience

Custom field-stone and hand-cut native Conway "pink" granite created this outdoor fireplace. Perfect for your burgers and hot-dogs. Also featured is a pentagonal shaped stone cabinet.

This was a four month project.

Here is a slide show detailing the job.


Authentic New England Field Stone Fireplace.

Perfect for the rustic country home. Constructed winter of 2007, Madison, NH.

An authentic Rumford Fireplace constructed with hand-dressed Old Chester granite. The hearth and mantel stone are polished Black Diamond granite imported from South Africa. This fireplace was built in Jackson NH, during the long cold winter of 06/07.

Authentic brick cooking area. A high point to the perfect kitchen. Jackson, NH.

Simple, classic Rumford Fireplace. St. Paul's Rectory

Nantucket, MA.

New Brick Chimney. Built with "water-struck" brick. The best brick to use for exterior chimneys in New England. Constructed Autumn of 2007, Chocorua, NH

The Boss laying another "ridiculously complex" bond, and losing his shirt in the process.

The Finished Patio

Stone steps and adjoining stone wall, Nantucket MA.

Field Stone veneer accenting foundation windows in Chocorua Village.

Spring of 2001

Jones Brick & Stone

Chocorua, NH

603 323 7182